Yuck, It's a tad wet out!The weather seems to be conspiring against us. Last week too cold, this week it started raining. Still, it's all good practice. I managed to miss quite a few times and stripped an arrow on my last end, but did find my range at 70m with a couple of good arrows. Siân too was struggling at 50m simply because of her sight positioning but we all enjoyed good results at 30m. Roll on Summer evenings and fair conditions!
Thanks Simon for the Samurai Bunny link. Stan Sakai is clearly a genious whose art should be revered by all.
For anyone who loves Bad Cat check out the source: My Cat Hates You. Featuring a huge array of felines, there's bound to be one that looks eerily familiar. 
Possibly the unwanted love child of Princess Leia and Kryten, this mysterious man is "seeking sanctuary". He is utterly harmless and cheap to care for, but consideration should be given to his needs in the long term which as yet are still undefined.