Ahoy mateys! Come join Captain Joseph and his rowdy band of pirate bunnies as they travel the garden pond in a cabbage cup ship with carrots masts and lettuce leaf sails Austrian artist and mother of two, Sonja Otti has created the wonderful world of Die Ottis. We’re completely charmed by her unique and imaginative characters, which include pirate bunnies, ballerina mice and all manner of beautifully handcrafted critters. Joseph is handmade from furry orange fleece with embroidered facial features and dressed in a removable striped boat shirt and black eye patch. He’s also a big fellow, nearly 17” in height from the tips of his furry ears to the pads of his paws, making him a substantial pal for your little pirate
Today has been declared as the "Poorest Day of the Year." Whilst Britain's personal debt levels are increasing by £1M every four minutes, the future may seem bleak for many.
Spare a thought then for those less fortunate than ourselves. Even better - Do something about it, or support someone who is!
Link Community Development is a registered charity that works with schools and communities in the most impoverished areas of Uganda, Ghana and South Africa. It is helping over half a million children to have a better start in life.