Friday, September 24, 2010

Bon Anniversaire / Voyage (*delete as appropriate)

Had a lovely weekend back in Lincs to wish Happy Birthday and Good Luck where appropriate. Events ranged from Curry at the Agra via cakes at a Garden Centre to Driving Green Lanes in a Landrover. All good fun and quite frenetic. The pics are from Haverholme and High Dyke (Old Ermine Street)

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Come In [insert #], You're Time Is Up

In an effort to make the most of a Summer that seemed to pass us by, a hastily planned day on the water was in order. With Tesco sandwiches in hand and a faint recollection of how to row, we managed to get all the way upstream , enjoy our picnic and be back before the anyone sent search parties. A perfect way to enjoy the best of our Warwickshire countryside.