Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can you name all the movies?


Anonymous said...

Its tooo hard!!!!!!!!!

MyWarren said...

Help needed?

C 1993
A 1979
N 1997

Y 1989
O 1982
U 1982

N 1984
A 2000
M 1999
E 1999

A 2002
L 1999
L 1998

T 2005
H 2005
E 2000

M 2002
O 2003
V 2004
I 2000
E 1994
S 2005
? 1993

Anonymous said...

The clues helped, but I've got these so far.....

C Jurassic Park
A Apocalypse Now
N Men In Black (??? I think)

Y The Abyss
O ?????
U Bladerunner

N Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
A Gladiator
M The Matrix
E ?????

A Ice Age?
L Fight Club
L Blade

T Sin City
H Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
E X Men

M Men In Black II (?)
O Finding Nemo
V ?????
I ?????
E ?????
S ?????
? ?????

Can I please have some more clues....I enjoyed that (got about 10 without using the clues)

MyWarren said...

C Correct
A Correct
N A Dynamic clue for the two stars?

Y Correct
O Spawned an Bally/Midway arcade version of a key scene
U Correct

N Correct
A Correct
M Correct
E Six films in one?

A Correct
L Correct
L Correct

T Correct
H Correct
E Correct

M Correct
O Correct
V Two seminal scifi flix go head to head
I Usual Paramount guff starring their diminutive lapdog
E We love you Kevin
S You never knew Penguins were so funny
? Depp and Di Capprio starred

MyWarren said...


C Jurassic Park
A Apocalypse Now
N Batman and Robin

Y The Abyss
O Tron
U Bladerunner

N Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom
A Gladiator
M The Matrix
E (Star Wars) Episode 1

A Ice Age
L Fight Club
L Blade

T Sin City
H Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
E X Men

M Men In Black II
O Finding Nemo
V Alien v Predator
E Clerks
S Madagascar
? What's eating Gilbert Grape?