Monday, August 27, 2007

Canons Ashby

Not as sunny as yesterday but still nice enough to enjoy a picnic and quick plod round the manor house.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Digital Cameras Fun Rubik Cube Generator

Bravia Bunnies

Thanks Andrew, for the link. Can't wait to see what the latest Bravia ad is going to turn out like. Looks like NYC is being overrun by bunnies large and small!
More here thanks to PSFK with further details of what the campaign involves

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jolly Green Giant

Continuing the Dutch theme this week, I came across the artwork of Florentijn Hofman. This 12m tall inflatable rabbit in green PVC was an installation he created for the 2005 Festive Season in Rotterdam.

His other works include a giant rubber duck and a series of giant pianos washed up on the beach. Who said art couldn't be fun!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Nabaztag may be an Armenian word for a French wi-fi rabbit that is sweeping the net but he'd better watch his back.
In a brave move to maintain his internet presence, it is now possible to contact and become friends through the wonders of modern technology!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Ryan Gets In A Scrap

Not before time, it recently occurred to me that Hetty's Digital Scrap Book talents should be celebrated. What better reason then to look at a cute fluffy rabbit and also admire the growing portfolio of work that can be found at Divine Digital
I'm particulary taken by the picture of Jon that was done using the "full of stains" kit. I'm not sure what this says about him but it made me smile all the same!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Lost 4 - Station 6 - Rabbit 15

Is anyone still watching this? If there are going to be rabbits perhaps it may get more interesting.