Have been a couple of times now to the Introductory Archery Course. So far things have gone really well although Siân's first week was more pain than gain. (Whilst many archers suffer with some bruising to the inside of their arm from the string it shouldn't result in the technicolor shades that she obtained!) This week was much better; I did actually manage to get all three arrows in the gold after one end, but that's probably more luck than judgement. There are so many things to remember, or more accurately, so many things to forget. I guess we're quite definitely on the steep part of the learning curve. It's frustrating in some ways because whilst you can run through things in your head, it's only when you step up to the shooting line and shoot an arrow that you can actually put everything into practice. Inevitably the time goes too quickly and the thought "I know to concentrate on that aspect, and it'll mean I'll shoot better next time" is still in you head at the end of the session. (Maybe it's always there?)
Update 02/12/05
Thanks to Simon's Gran, I've upgraded! In truth, Simon has purchased a v. v. nice shiny new riser. Although I'm sure the idea probably crossed his mind, the practicalities of shooting with a bow in each hand mean that I have benefitted, and am now the proud owner of his old bow. Tonight went well, but there is still so much to remember! Time just evaporates and it may be necessary to join the club sooner rather than later. This would at least mean more arrows per week which can't be a bad thing. Watch this space.
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