It has always struck me that farmers are a breed apart and regard the idea of someone rising 3 hours past daybreak as scornful. Actually, to quote Monty Python, unless you “get up half an hour before you went t’ bed”, you’re always likely to be out of favour - or at the very least, behind schedule. Still, the farmhouse was genuine and charming in all the right places (and warm which was pleasant because the weather was not).

Monday was bright and sunny so we (wisely) decided to get Neolithic. Stonehenge is awesome in every respect. It’s scale, setting, age, and purpose cannot fail to impress, however Avebury is certainly it’s equal. When taken in context with it’s avenue, and the surrounding landmarks of Silbury Hill and West Kennet Long Barrow it is possibly even more breathtaking, especially when seen in the snow!

Two rain drenched days shopping in Salisbury and Bath were generally uneventful but interspersed with a couple of highlights including the Cathedral and an impromptu visit to Rosemary and Tony.
1 comment:
Thanks to Mum for spotting the grammatical mistake. For those of you who didn't notice, be sure to watch this space. I'm sure there will be more...
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